Xanne Bekaert
Xanne BEKAERT is a PhD Researcher and Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) under the supervision of Prof. Stefaan Smis (VUB). Xanne chose to study international law, but she recognises that the major challenges of our time, such as peace, migration, poverty, health, sustainability and justice, require efforts that go beyond the law. Her encounters with people from different parts of the world and their unique experiences and cultures have reinforced her desire to focus on what unites us rather than what divides us. She believes that by joining forces, we can work together to create a world where human rights are respected and the rights of all people can be protected with dignity.
Driven by a deep passion for justice, equality and human rights, Xanne examines these issues in the ever-changing international context. Under the supervision of Prof Stefaan Smis (Professor of International and Human Rights Law at VUB) and Dr Wamwara (Dean of the Faculty of Law at Moi University), Xanne wrote her Master's thesis on the implementation of indigenous peoples' rights in international law, specifically through the lens of the Endorois and Ogiek cases in Kenya. Before embarking on her fieldwork in Kenya, she worked in the Litigation and Implementation Unit of the Centre for Human Rights in Pretoria, where she gained fundamental insights into landmark cases and the mechanisms of implementation of decisions of AU human rights bodies. In Kenya, Xanne conducted extensive fieldwork, working with a range of non-state actors, including international and local NGOs, indigenous elders and national human rights institutions (NHRIs).
Rechtsmethodologie I
The integration of indigenous peoples' rights into carbon markets is both urgent and underexplored, as current literature inadequately addresses the human rights implications of these markets, hindering the development of balanced climate policies. My research fills this gap by focusing on the alignment of carbon market expansion with indigenous rights, particularly in East Africa, where such alignment is critically lacking. The project aims to explore how carbon markets can operate while respecting indigenous rights, focusing on the key question: How can human rights-based due diligence be integrated into carbon market frameworks? The objectives are to analyse legal and policy frameworks governing carbon markets in East Africa and to assess the implementation of Free, Prior and Informed Consent principles in these markets. Methodologically, the research will use comparative legal analysis and fieldwork, incorporating novel community-based participatory approaches for indigenous perspectives. The expected outcome is a set of policy recommendations for aligning carbon markets with human rights norms. These findings will significantly advance the understanding of carbon market governance and inform more equitable climate policies and practices. The findings of this research provide guidance to policymakers and industry stakeholders on how to develop carbon markets that are not only effective in mitigating climate change, but also respect and protect indigenous peoples' rights.
Xanne BEKAERT is a PhD Researcher and Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) under the supervision of Prof. Stefaan Smis (VUB). Xanne chose to study international law, but she recognises that the major challenges of our time, such as peace, migration, poverty, health, sustainability and justice, require efforts that go beyond the law. Her encounters with people from different parts of the world and their unique experiences and cultures have reinforced her desire to focus on what unites us rather than what divides us. She believes that by joining forces, we can work together to create a world where human rights are respected and the rights of all people can be protected with dignity.
Driven by a deep passion for justice, equality and human rights, Xanne examines these issues in the ever-changing international context. Under the supervision of Prof Stefaan Smis (Professor of International and Human Rights Law at VUB) and Dr Wamwara (Dean of the Faculty of Law at Moi University), Xanne wrote her Master's thesis on the implementation of indigenous peoples' rights in international law, specifically through the lens of the Endorois and Ogiek cases in Kenya. Before embarking on her fieldwork in Kenya, she worked in the Litigation and Implementation Unit of the Centre for Human Rights in Pretoria, where she gained fundamental insights into landmark cases and the mechanisms of implementation of decisions of AU human rights bodies. In Kenya, Xanne conducted extensive fieldwork, working with a range of non-state actors, including international and local NGOs, indigenous elders and national human rights institutions (NHRIs).
Organisatie informatie
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel