Dit is een selectie uit onze lopende onderzoeksprojecten gelieerd aan de Vakgroep Publiek Recht:
SELAM: Reinforcing Academic Cooperation in Peace Education between Ethiopian and Flemish Higher Education Institutions
This new research project is about Reinforcing Academic Cooperation in Peace Education between Ethiopian and Flemish Higher Education Institutions and will start the first of September 2024. The VUB is one of the 6 Flemish HEIs (Higher Education Institutes) to launch the project in collaboration with 5 Ethiopian universities and stakeholders to contribute to transitional justice processes and sustainable peace.
FWOAL939 "Strategic Litigation based on indigenous peoples' rights: a viable option to force states to act against climate change?"
FWO project led by Stefaan Smis (administrative promotor) and Dorothée Cambou (co-promotor)
FWO Scientific Research Network (WOG) "Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations in Practice"
Wouter Vandenhole (UAntwerpen), Eva Brems (UGent), Stefaan Smis (VUB), Markus Krajewski (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), en Mark Gibney (University of North Carolina Asheville)
VLIR-UOS IUC Project "University as a Facilitator for Community-based Sustainable Solutions to Demographic Challenges in South-Western Uganda (UCoBS)"
Mbara University of Science and Technology (MUST) is implementing a 12-year project titled “University as a Facilitator for Community-based Sustainable Solutions to Demographic Challenges in South-Western Uganda” hereafter referred to as UCoBS. The project is coordinated by Charles Tushabomwe-Kazooba (local coordinator) and Gily Coene (Flemish coordinator)
Project IPeace "Great Lakes Regional Training Programme"
De VUB is al jaren sponsor van het Great Lakes Regional Training Programme, maar daar houdt het niet op. Ook doen ieder jaar sprekers, rechters en studenten van de VUB mee aan dit event. Deze video geeft een indruk van de 7e editie van de Great Lakes Regional Training Programme and Moot Competition in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, dat plaats vond in Kigali (Rwanda) van 8 tot 14 December 2019, waarin ook enkele deelnemers aan het woord komen. Voor meer informatie over IPeace, klik hier.