Dit is een selectie uit de lopende PhD projecten gelieerd aan de Vakgroep Publiek Recht:
Assessment of capital punishment in Pakistan: Special reference to Shari'ah and International Human Rights Law
Capital punishment is one of the emerging issues in the modern era. International human rights law considers this punishment against human dignity, but classical Islamic law does not share the same perspective. Therefore, there is an immense need to analyze human dignity and capital punishment considering the opinions of classical and modern jurists and scholars versed in international human rights law and Islamic law.
The analysis of the effectiveness of sustainable development obligations in Bilateral Investment Treaties in light of the jurisprudence of the ICSID
This study analyses the effectiveness of states using BITs as a means of achieving sustainable development. It will situate the legal status of sustainable development in general international law, its opposability to investors and its role in the assessment of unlawful behaviour reproached to the state, or form the angle of possible counterclaims. In this way, the study will identify guidelines for investment that is compatible with the objective of sustainable development in the context of extractive economies.
Flemish private educational institutions as religious-ethos organizations
Flemish private educational institutions are supposed to be one of the most high-profile religious-ethos organizations, implying that they hold a unique position in terms of limiting the fundamental rights of their personnel, however because of recent and contrasting case law of the European Court of Justice and a lack of knowledge on the position of Flemish private education and their personnel's status, further research and the establishment of a clear theoretical framework is necessary.
The PhD research aims to critically assess the potential of strategic litigation based on human rights to obtain a better climate policy and protect the rights of indigenous peoples in the climate crisis.
Regulating private business activities in illegally occupied territories by imposing due diligence obligations on home states: the duties of non-recognition and non-assistance
How imposing a positive due diligence obligation on home states in light of their duties of non-recognition and non-assistance may contribute to a better regulation of private business activities in illegally occupied territories, constituting serious breaches of peremptory international law.
The Eritrea - Ethiopia Territorial Conflict: A Factor of Volatility in Interstate Relations
The research examines the Eritrea - Ethiopia territorial conflict as a factor of volatility in the Horn of Africa (HoA) in the context of the great importance that nations attach to boundaries and the casual role that boundaries play in interstate conflicts. It reviews the multiple aspects of the Eritrea - Ethiopia conflict within the framework of treaty-based international law and international relations.
Environmental Revolution under the Aegis of International Law: Recognition of International Environmental Crimes as the main concern in International Jurisdiction - A discussion on International Environmental Crimes
This PhD gives an insight into the world of internationally relevant environmental crimes and suggests a system on the international level to adjudicate these potential international crimes
Making the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam a Building Block for Cooperation: Seeking a Lasting Solution in the Eastern Nile Basin
In Eastern Nile Basin countries, there is a discord over the utilization of Nile River as a result of this, it is imperative to reconcile and balance their stands and develop a cooperation framework between Ethiopia and lower riparian states using Grand Ethiopian Renaissance dam as a tool.
Democratic constitutionalism in a federal state: comparative lessons for the procedure to revise the Belgian Constitution
This PhD looks into article 195 of the Belgian Constitution, which sets out the procedure to modify the Constitution, and studies if and how this article should be updated to fit the current legal and societal context.
De verdachte rechtspersoon in het strafprocesrecht
Al ruim 20 jaar kunnen rechtspersonen in België misdrijven plegen en daarvoor gestraft worden. In al die tijd is er in de rechtsleer en jurisprudentie veel inkt gevloeid over de rol van de rechtspersoon in het materieel stafrecht. De vele vraagstukken uit het formeel strafrecht die hiermee gepaard gaan, ontsnapten evenwel aan de aandacht van de wetgever en werden ook in de doctrine slechts beperkt bestudeerd.
Decolonizing the Discourse on Muslim Women's Rights - Assumed Subalternity, Intersectionality, Equality, Emancipation, and Equal citizenship. A Comparative Analysis of France and India
This research critically examines and seeks to decolonize the discourse on Muslim women's rights, emphasizing the complexities of intersectionality, equality, emancipation, and equal citizenship, with a comparative analysis between France and India.
Socio-fiscal measures: developing an EU typology
What income protection is provided through economically active and non-economically active persons, in addition to income replacement benefits (i.e., unemployment and social assistance), and how do the different measures in place fit into EU free movement rules?
Empowering Indigenous Voices in Carbon Market Governance: Lessons from East Africa
This research aims to critically explore how carbon markets in East Africa can align with indigenous rights through human rights-based due diligence, focusing on legal frameworks and the implementation of Free, Prior and Informed Consent.
Een greep uit de recent verdedigde PhD's:
The border factor in Cameroon-Nigeria relations: a study of the Bakassi Peninsula dispute
“The Border Factor in Cameroon-Nigeria Relations: A Study of the Bakassi Peninsula Dispute” examines the border policy history of Cameroon and Nigeria at post-independence focusing on their longstanding dispute over the Bakassi Peninsula. It outlines the border policy structures of both states and analyses how the domestic environment respectively influenced the approaches adopted by the two countries regarding the Peninsula.